Pirate Talk

作者:Rakashi Chand,阅览室主管

今天是“像海盗一样说话日”,我很喜欢这个节日,因为我的孩子和我都是《利记手机官网》系列电影以及任何海盗主题电影的忠实粉丝, restaurant, or minigolf course. But, as a historian, 我有一种冲动,想在马萨诸塞州历史学会的档案中找到海盗的语言. 利记APP官网手机版海盗的“最后和临终遗言”有大量的记录, or pyrates, in Boston, Massachusetts. 波士顿曾被称为“海盗出没的港口”,“所以,波士顿也许是一个——如果你是个海盗——说话也许不应该像海盗那样的地方, because from what I found in the archives, 我们打击盗版的效果和我们现在点唐恩都乐咖啡的效果一样. 


首先,看看S徒利的遗言. 12月10日在南波士顿,谁因海盗罪被处决. 1812.  


“作为一个男人,一个即将离开这个世界的罪犯, 我认为我有责任承认我犯了拿, and assisting to take, the property which is mentioned in the first indictment; but the murder, 第二份起诉书指控的是哪一项, I do not see that I am any ways guilty of, although it was plead so hard against me, 我有理由相信,这是我被判有罪的原因……”  

The Last Words of S Tully. 12月10日在南波士顿,谁因海盗罪被处决. 1812.

Next, is the 1704 Proclamation by Thomas Povey Esq. Lieutenant Governour, and Commander in Chief, for the time being, 新英格兰马萨诸塞湾女王陛下省. 

“鉴于约翰·奎尔奇,查尔斯布里根号的已故指挥官,及其所属的连队. John Lambert, John Miller, John Clifford, John Dorothy, James Parrot, Charles James, William Whiting, John Pitman, John Templeton, Benjamin Perkins, William Wiles, Richard Laurance, Erasmus Peterson, John King, Charles King, Isaac Johnson, Nicholas Lawson. Daniel Chevalle, John Way, Thomas Farrington, Matthew Primer, Anthony Holding, William Rayner, John Quittance, John Harwood, William Jones, Denis Carter, Nicholas Richarson, James Austin, James Pattison, Joseph Hutnot, George Peirse, George Norton, Gabriel Davis, John Breck, John Carter, Paul Giddins, Nicholas Dunbar, Richard Thurbar, Daniel Chuley, and others ; Have lately Imported a considerable Quantity of Gold dult, and some Bar and Coin’d Gold, 他们被强烈怀疑已经得到并获得了什么, by Felony and Piracy, 来自一些女王陛下的朋友和盟友, 他们彼此分路, 没有任何裁决或谴责, to be lawful Prize…” 

“..And all her Majesties Subjects, and others, are hereby strictly forbiden to entertain, 窝藏或隐藏任何躺下的人, or their Treasure: Or to convey away, 或者以任何方式让他们中的任何一个逃脱, 否则将作为他们犯罪的从犯和共犯而受到最严厉的法律起诉.” 

用黑色墨水印在纸上的彩色侧面照片. 顶部是英国皇家国王印章,周围是狮子和独角兽.
1704 Proclamation by Thomas Povey Esq. Lieutenant Governour, and Commander in Chief, for the time being, 新英格兰马萨诸塞湾女王陛下省

听起来当局很擅长海盗言论, perhaps more than the pirates themselves. 1704年5月宣言似乎起了作用,尽管奎尔奇已经逃过一次. 

In June the 船长的提审、审判和定罪. John Quelch And Others of his Company takes place under Joesph Dudley, 谁现在是“马萨诸塞湾女王陛下省的总指挥”, in New England, in America, &c.” 

“约翰·奎尔奇船长和他的同伴们, &c. For Sundry Piracies, Robberies and Murder, 对葡萄牙国王的臣民负有责任, Her Majesty’s Allie, on the Coast of Brazil” 

(My thought: Wait! Brazil? 哇,即使你在巴西制造麻烦,新英格兰的清教徒也会追捕你的!) 

So, what did Capt. Welch have to say for himself?  


Quelch ‘My Council informs me, 他有许多有关法律的事要代表我向阁下提出.’“


然后,奎尔奇继续对证人和证据提出反质询,法院通知他不能对证据提出反质询. 奎尔奇聪明,有逻辑,像现代的犯罪头目一样使用他的律师. (Grabbing my popcorn for more.) 

船长的提审、审判和定罪. John Quelch And Others of his Company, June 1704

Finally, 奎尔奇审判的最后一页列出了名字, ages, 以及奎尔奇手下每个海盗的出生地. 这是利记APP官网手机版谁加入了奎尔奇的一个有趣的视角, 他们来自不同的国家,年龄从爱冒险的15岁年轻人到健壮的50岁老人不等. 《利记APP官网手机版》所提供的机会吸引了如此多的人将自己从生活中的地位中解放出来. 

船长的提审、审判和定罪. John Quelch And Others of his Company, June 1704

最后让我们看看1704年6月30日的舷侧, 《六个海盗的行为与临终遗言, that were executed on Chrles River, Boston side, on Fryday June 30th 1704 Viz. 

The six pirates were Capt. 约翰·奎尔奇、约翰·兰伯特、克里斯托弗·斯库达莫尔、约翰·米勒、伊拉斯谟·彼得森和彼得·罗奇.

Of Capt. John Quelch I have a newfound respect. 

这是他走上舞台时对一位部长说的最后一句话, were,  I am not afraid of death, I am not afraid of the Gallows, but I am afraid of what follows; I am afraid of a Great God, and a Judgement to Come. But he afterwards seemed to brave it out too much against that fear; also when on Stage first he pulled off his Hat, and bowed to the Spectators, and not Concerned, 也不像有些人那样表现得像个将死之人.” 

行为与临终遗言的记述, 30 June 1704

At last we have our pirate talk! Whatever you may take that to mean, other than mere repentance, 这是对所有新英格兰海盗的警告:“当心!!’  

享受像海盗一样说话的一天,并在你的思想中保留我们的许多海盗证词和作品! Search our online catalog, Abigail,搜索标题为“海盗”的主题,你也会发现许多需要研究的项目! 

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